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Saving our Daughters

Allah has blessed me to see many amazing things in the short time that I've had on this earth. IBNTEK is about sharing that with the world and building a young community around the blessings of Allah.

"IBN" is really about our girls.


IBNTEK was founded sincerely for my daughter. I have many hurdles to jump and an ocean of fears and anxieties to traverse as it relates to getting her to her destination. Fathers have the difficult task of guiding their young ones through this mess and hopefully out to safety on the other side. WE scrape and claw at what resources we can to give them better than we had, all the while learning ourselves.


I saw that a major pitfall in raising the young ones is that we do not know how to properly address the transition from adolescents to adulthood, and so we lose our babies around the ages of 14 to 19. Many of them come back to us in their 20s with unnecessary battle scars. The ones that stick around are often neutered, castrated by the suffocation of restricting their desires in opposition to Islam. The messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) encouraged manhood in the boys and the girls to be ladies. We need not lose another batch of able bodied, strong minded, cunning worshippers for our lack of creativity.


IBNTEK is here to address the vacuum of "DON'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES" and "NO SLEEPOVERS" with lets hit the weights and be international princesses.


We are a group of young married men and women who want to change the narrative and encourage youth entrepreneurship, drive and growth. You young ones, our sons, daughters, little brothers and sisters are our proudest possession. Let us make marriage and hard work easy for you because with the world that we're seeing today... tomorrow is going to be a whole other animal.


FEAR NOT. You are up to the challenge. You have to be.


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Newark NJ, USA / Al-Madinah, KSA


Whatsapp: +1 (862) 888-2150


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